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Studies of the ATLAS hadronic calorimeter performance

Author: Tamar Zakareishvili

ATLAS is a general purpose experiment designed to explore the physics landscape in proton - proton collisions at the unprecedentedly high energy regime of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is a sampling plastic scintillator/iron detector and provide accurate energy and position measurements of electrons, photons, isolated hadrons, jets, and transverse missing energy, as well as helping in particle identification and in muon momentum reconstruction. TileCal is divided into three cylindrical sections, referred to as the long barrel (LB) and two extended barrels (EB). Each of the three TileCal barrels is composed of 64 azimuthal segments, referred to as modules. Each barrel consists of several layers. The hybrid prototype associated to one Tile Calorimeter module of ATLAS detector with new electronics system – the Demonstrator has been tested together with one long barrel module of Tile Calorimrter with beams of different particles. Analysis was carried out using Demonstrator muon data. In every layer’s every cell of Tile Cal module muon response on unit of length was calculated using data and MC. Ratio of Data to MC shows us that layer response is uniform within 1% and maximum deviation of results obtained using data from MC is 4%. Using muon beam tile central region average response was compared to whole tile surface average response, which is constant for each tile row, meaning that it is independent of tile size within 5‰. This gives us reason to use muon beam response that is hitting in the center of the tile to equalize each layer response. After analyzing muon data for each tile row Tile Cal module layer correction factors were obtained.

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