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Neutrosophic Logic, Set and Probability0

Author: Irma Makharadze

In this paper is presented a new branch of philosophy, called neutrosophy, which studies the origin, nature, and scope of neutralities, as well as their interactions with different ideational spectra. The Fundamental Thesis: Any idea is T% true, I% indeterminate, and F% false, - where T, I, F are standard or non-standard subsets included in . The Fundamental Theory: Every idea tends to be neutralized, diminished, balanced by ideas (not only , as Hegel asserted) - as a state of equilibrium. Neutrosophy is the base of neutrosophic logic, a multiple value logic that generalizes the fuzzy logic, of neutrosophic set that generalizes the fuzzy set, and of neutrosophic probability and neutrosophic statistics, which generalize the classical and imprecise probability and statistics respectively.

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Annotation English [ka]
ნეიტროსოფიური ლოგიკა, სიმრავლე და ალბათობა [ka]

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