Determination of heavy metals in toys
Author: Natia DvalishviliAnnotation:
Heavy metals are a group of chemical elements with high atomic mass. Many of them, such as iron, copper, zinc, participate in biological processes and in certain quantities are essential for the human, animal and plant life. On the other hand, heavy metals and their compounds influence the human body, accumulate in cells and cause a number of diseases. Heavy metals are more than 40 chemical elements. Among them with the special toxicity can be outlined bullet, mercury, cadmium, arsenic. The content of heavy metals in the body cannot be higher than the permissible concentration, because these metals are characterized with high toxicity. Direct action may resultpoisoning, can lead to tumors and various diseases. These processes are more complicated in children as their growth and development processes are not completed. In children' body heavy metals may get from toys. Unfortunately, in Georgia, heavy metal levels in imported toys are not controlled. Recently, various organizations detected high rates on the maximum permissible concentration of heavy metals in toys, which is a great threat to the organism. The goal of our research is to determine heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu) in toys. Random samples were selected for trial. Analysis revealed high rate of heavy metals, in particular Lead and Cadmium,in comparison with MPCin the 3of the 19 samples. The survey shows that the content of heavy metals in Georgia is practically within the norms. But it requires some exceptional attention to avoid such toys appear with children and cause illness.