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Geology of upstream of river Chelti and questions of mineralisation in Mtsaredighi-Loduani districts
Author: Ramaz KoberidzeAnnotation:
This bachelor’s degree paper overviews geology of Alazani river or more specifically its left “tributary-Chelti” pool.Paper also tackles questions of mineralization in Mtsare dighi,Loduani and Chelti regions.Since paper didn’t require geological fieldwork in whole given area,I with supervision of this paper’s head professor Karlo Akimidze and with head of department of Geology professor Bejan Tutberidze conducted observation and collected required samples for chemical analysis from given area.Region’s geological-geotectonical construction,genesis of ore deposit formation and general questions of perspective of the given area are addressed on basis of fund’s samples and scientific literature.
Lecture files:
მდინარე ჩელთის ზემოწელის გეოლოგია და მწარედიყი-ლოდუანის უბნის მინერალიზაციის საკითხები [ka]