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Study of the correlation of capillary network formation and spermatogenesis in the seminiferous tubules of the adolescent rats
Author: Tornike NozadzeCo-authors: M. Mikava
Keywords: spermatogenesis, reconstruction of tubules
The impact of thermostabile protein complex (TPC) identified from adult rats spermatosoa was studied on homologius cells prolipheration .The inhibition of mitotic activity of adolecent rat spermatozoa has been shown. Based on 3D reconstruction of adolescent rat seminiferous tubule, it was found that the alternating spermatogeneticaly active and inactive areas within a single tubule can be considered as the regular phenomenon and the age peculiarity. The alternating of spermatogeneticaly active and inactive areas of seminiferous tubules is not connected to distribution of vasculature.
Lecture files:
მოზარდ ვირთაგვებში სპერმატოგენეზის და სათესლე მილაკების კაპილარული ქსელის ფორმირების თავისებურებების ურთიერთკავშირის შესწავლა [ka]