Geoecological assessment of the Khulo municipality relief
Author: mariam khuskivadzeKeywords: Relief, geodynamic processes
Khulo municipality is characterized by a strategic location and is unique by its natural conditions. The engineering-agricultural facilities located within its limits are the sources of economical benefits, but all of these have disadvantages, which implies hazardous geodynamic processes resulting from the intensive engineering and natural environmental interaction, which causes a great damage to the region as well as the intensive ecological migrations of the population from the municipality. Based on the basal survey of the rivers of Khulo municipality, the geo-ecologically tensed territories were detected and then research on natural disasters areas in field expedition conditions were conducted; upon generation and processing of data an appropriate geodynamic process maps were created based on them. Which will help us to identify, evaluate risky zones and develop the ways for their prevention in the future. Results of the survey can be used to assess the sustainable development of Khulo municipality.
Lecture files:
Geoecological assessment of the Khulo municipality relief [en]ხულოს მუნიციპალიტეტის რელიეფის გეოეკოლოგიური შეფასება [ka]